
If you have a LaTeX project on your computer and want to edit it in Overleaf, you can do it by uploading your files.


  • If you don't have an account enter your e-mail address and set a password, click Register and that's it, you will be redirected to the project management page where you will be guided into how to create a new project.

If you already have an account, click Login in the upper right corner, then type in your email and password and click the Login button.


Once you are logged in, you should see the Overleaf Project Management page


Uploading a project

To upload a project, all your files (images, classes, styles, bibliography, fonts, .tex sources) must be in a compressed .zip file. In the Project Management page, click New Project and in the drop-down menu click Upload Project.


A box will appear, there you can drag and drop your .zip file or click Select a .zip file to open a file browser and locate it.


Once you drop your file or select it in your file browser you will be redirected to the editor, where a new project will be created with the same name as the .zip file. After that you can start editing, click Recompile to render the PDF.


Limitations on Uploads

Individual uploads, of .zip files containing projects or of individual files, cannot exceed 50 MB in size. There is no limit on the total size of a project, however, so if your compressed project exceeds this it might be possible to upload all of the contents item by item.

For a .zip file to upload properly,

  • It can only contain file types that can be processed by a LaTeX compiler: plain text files and images in .eps, .pdf, .svg and . png formats
  • It cannot have more than 2000 individual items in them (this is the maximum number of items for a project on Overleaf v2)
  • It cannot contain more than 7MB of material which can be edited on Overleaf v2 (this is the maximum editable data for a project on Overleaf v2)

While the Overleaf v2 editor can edit any plain text file, only uploads with the most common LaTeX file extensions (.tex, .bib, .cls, .sty, ...) will be editable on the site. This means you can upload, for instance, large .csv files for use with Rtex without using up your 7MB editable data allowance. If you need to edit a file with a different extension on Overleaf v2, it is best to copy and paste its contents into a new blank file on the project and save this with the extension needed or to upload it with the extension .tex and change it once online. Note that text files larger than 2MB cannot be edited online and don’t count toward the 7MB limit.

Overleaf guides

LaTeX Basics


Figures and tables

References and Citations


Document structure





Field specific

Class files

Advanced TeX/LaTeX