Sample article for
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Test article for Scholar One Manuscripts.
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%% submitted article. %%
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%%% Put your definitions there:
%%% Begin ...
%%% Start of article front matter
%% %%
%% Enter the title of your article here %%
%% %%
\title{Sample article for}
%% %%
%% Enter the authors here %%
%% %%
%% Specify information, if available, %%
%% in the form: %%
%% <key>={<id1>,<id2>} %%
%% <key>= %%
%% Comment or delete the keys which are %%
%% not used. Repeat \author command as much %%
%% as required. %%
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addressref={aff1}, % id's of addresses, e.g. {aff1,aff2}
corref={aff1}, % id of corresponding address, if any
noteref={n1}, % id's of article notes, if any
email={} % email address
]{\inits{JE}\fnm{Jane E} \snm{Doe}}
]{\inits{JRS}\fnm{John RS} \snm{Smith}}
%% %%
%% Enter the authors' addresses here %%
%% %%
%% Repeat \address commands as much as %%
%% required. %%
%% %%
\address[id=aff1]{% % unique id
\orgname{Department of Zoology, Cambridge}, % university, etc
\street{Waterloo Road}, %
%\postcode{} % post or zip code
\city{London}, % city
\cny{UK} % country
\orgname{Marine Ecology Department, Institute of Marine Sciences Kiel},
\street{D\"{u}sternbrooker Weg 20},
%% %%
%% Enter short notes here %%
%% %%
%% Short notes will be after addresses %%
%% on first page. %%
%% %%
%\note{Sample of title note} % note to the article
\note[id=n1]{Equal contributor} % note, connected to author
\end{fmbox}% comment this for two column layout
%% %%
%% The Abstract begins here %%
%% %%
%% Please refer to the Instructions for %%
%% authors on %%
%% and include the section headings %%
%% accordingly for your article type. %%
%% %%
\begin{abstract} % abstract
\parttitle{First part title} %if any
Text for this section.
\parttitle{Second part title} %if any
Text for this section.
%% %%
%% The keywords begin here %%
%% %%
%% Put each keyword in separate \kwd{}. %%
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% MSC classifications codes, if any
%\kwd[Primary ]{}
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%\end{fmbox}% uncomment this for twcolumn layout
%% %%
%% The Main Body begins here %%
%% %%
%% Please refer to the instructions for %%
%% authors on: %%
%% and include the section headings %%
%% accordingly for your article type. %%
%% %%
%% See the Results and Discussion section %%
%% for details on how to create sub-sections%%
%% %%
%% use \cite{...} to cite references %%
%% \cite{koon} and %%
%% \cite{oreg,khar,zvai,xjon,schn,pond} %%
%% \nocite{smith,marg,hunn,advi,koha,mouse}%%
%% %%
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% start of article main body
% <put your article body there>
%% Background %%
Text and results for this section, as per the individual journal's instructions for authors. %\cite{koon,oreg,khar,zvai,xjon,schn,pond,smith,marg,hunn,advi,koha,mouse}
\section*{Section title}
Text for this section \ldots
\subsection*{Sub-heading for section}
Text for this sub-heading \ldots
\subsubsection*{Sub-sub heading for section}
Text for this sub-sub-heading \ldots
\paragraph*{Sub-sub-sub heading for section}
Text for this sub-sub-sub-heading \ldots
In this section we examine the growth rate of the mean of $Z_0$, $Z_1$ and $Z_2$. In
addition, we examine a common modeling assumption and note the
importance of considering the tails of the extinction time $T_x$ in
studies of escape dynamics.
We will first consider the expected resistant population at $vT_x$ for
some $v>0$, (and temporarily assume $\alpha=0$)
E \bigl[Z_1(vT_x) \bigr]= E
\biggl[\mu T_x\int_0^{v\wedge
\exp \bigl(\lambda_1T_x(v-u) \bigr)\,du \biggr].
If we assume that sensitive cells follow a deterministic decay
$Z_0(t)=xe^{\lambda_0 t}$ and approximate their extinction time as
$T_x\approx-\frac{1}{\lambda_0}\log x$, then we can heuristically
estimate the expected value as
E\bigl[Z_1(vT_x)\bigr] &=& \frac{\mu}{r}\log x
&=& \frac{\mu}{r}x^{1-{\lambda_1}/{\lambda_0}v}\log x\int_0^{v\wedge
&=& \frac{\mu}{\lambda_1-\lambda_0}x^{1+{\lambda_1}/{r}v} \biggl(1-\exp \biggl[-(v\wedge1) \biggl(1+
\frac{\lambda_1}{r}\biggr)\log x \biggr] \biggr).
Thus we observe that this expected value is finite for all $v>0$ (also see \cite{koon,khar,zvai,xjon,marg}).
%% %%
%% Backmatter begins here %%
%% %%
\section*{Competing interests}
The authors declare that they have no competing interests.
\section*{Author's contributions}
Text for this section \ldots
Text for this section \ldots
%% The Bibliography %%
%% %%
%% Bmc_mathpys.bst will be used to %%
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\bibliographystyle{bmc-mathphys} % Style BST file
\bibliography{bmc_article} % Bibliography file (usually '*.bib' )
% or include bibliography directly:
% \begin{thebibliography}
% \bibitem{b1}
% \end{thebibliography}
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%% Figures %%
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%% NB: this is for captions and %%
%% Titles. All graphics must be %%
%% submitted separately and NOT %%
%% included in the Tex document %%
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%% Do not use \listoffigures as most will included as separate files
\caption{\csentence{Sample figure title.}
A short description of the figure content
should go here.}
\caption{\csentence{Sample figure title.}
Figure legend text.}
%% %%
%% Tables %%
%% %%
%% Use of \listoftables is discouraged.
\caption{Sample table title. This is where the description of the table should go.}
& B1 &B2 & B3\\ \hline
A1 & 0.1 & 0.2 & 0.3\\
A2 & ... & .. & .\\
A3 & .. & . & .\\ \hline
%% %%
%% Additional Files %%
%% %%
\section*{Additional Files}
\subsection*{Additional file 1 --- Sample additional file title}
Additional file descriptions text (including details of how to
view the file, if it is in a non-standard format or the file extension). This might
refer to a multi-page table or a figure.
\subsection*{Additional file 2 --- Sample additional file title}
Additional file descriptions text.